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Man charged with violating PFA order

Francis Lamar Eisenberg, 33, of Tamaqua, has been charged with criminal trespass, defiant trespass, stalking and two counts of harassment.

On Feb. 19 at 11:30 p.m. police received a call from a woman complaining that the defendant had violated a PFA order she had against him by being at her residence and entering it. He also texted her a picture of her living room area. The woman showed police the pictures he sent of her living room and him leaving the residence.

Police went to Eisenberg parents’ home on Cherry Street, where he was reportedly residing. He was not home but police were given permission to enter the home and a garage area. Later Eisenberg was taken into custody on a bench warrant and taken to the police station.

At the station Eisenberg said he had a key to the woman’s home and admitted being there.

He was told in June 2020, to stay away from the residence due to the PFA order and that the text messages he sent were derogatory in nature.