It’s in your nature: Bird bills and beaks
Birds haven’t cornered the market on having beaks, but for the most part they are certainly the most numerous beaked animals.
Beaks do occur in animals like turtles, some whales, or even platypuses, but my focus today is bird beaks. Bills, beaks, rostrums are all used correctly to identify the birds upper and lower appendages on their heads.
For the balance of this column, I’ll refer to them as bills.
Birds’ bills essentially become “their hands” because their upper appendages, in flying birds, are developed into wings and the lower appendages, the feet or used for walking or grasping/perching.
Bills come in a variety of shapes and sizes and have a multitude of uses. They are bony structures growing from the bird skull and have a fingernail-like covering of keratin on them. This covering is replaced after wearing away through use.
The weakest mandible is the lower mandible having the least muscle to aid its use. And uses, wow. Bills can be used for chiseling, spearing, probing, tearing, drinking, scooping up fish, grasping fish, etc., etc.
Most people don’t realize how important bills are for preening their feathers and that will be discussed in a later column. My goal today in the first of two columns on bills, is to show you a number of bird species and their specialized bills. I hope you find it informative and interesting.
Test Your Outdoor Knowledge: True or False: Toucans, from South America, eat fruit and have very large, lightweight bills because they are lazy and try to move little to reach their food.
Last Week’s Trivia Answer: Bald eagles reach maturity at age 5 and can begin breeding then.
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