West End news for Feb. 17, 2021
Lent services
• Effort UMC will host a Lenten series based on Seven Things the Lord Hates featuring the North District clergy. It will begin at 7 tonight in the sanctuary.
Due to the COVID-19 church guidelines and restrictions, this study will be available for up to 40 people. Registration is required.
• McMichaels UMC is not having an in-person service. However, there will be a service at 7 p.m. on Facebook via McMichaels United Methodist Church.
• Our Lady Queen of Peace Church will also have Mass for Ash Wednesday at 2 and 7 p.m. today. The 7 p.m. Mass will be livestreamed.
• St. Mathew’s UCC, Kunkletown, will begin the Lenten journey with worship in the sanctuary at 6 p.m. today. The service will be livestreamed for those who prefer to worship in their living rooms. The service will be a service of the Word, the Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion. If those worshipping at home would like to receive ashes, Pastor Suzanne will be offering them drive-by style that day. For drive-by ashes, call the pastor at the church and let her know when they are coming.
• St. Peter’s UMC, Saylorsburg, is having a 7 p.m. Ash Wednesday worship service at the church in Saylorsburg.
• Salem-St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Kresgeville, has announced that there are no Community Lenten Wednesday Worship services this year due to COVID-19. The former participating churches are each doing their own.
Salem-St. Paul’s has, however, planned a drive-in Imposition of Ashes from 11 to 11:30 a.m. and from 6 to 6:30 p.m. Attendees are advised to drive to the back steps and Pastor Scheffey will come to your car, give you a bulletin for home devotions, and safely put ashes on your forehead with a Q-tip.
For the five Wednesdays in Lent, the church will be doing a Bible study at 7 p.m.
That can be done via Zoom, on the phone with a friend, or a home study with family or on one’s own.
• Zion Lutheran will have ashes-to-go today again from 4 to 5:30 p.m.
The regular worship service will be at 7:30 p.m.
Sale ending
Effort UMC’s current soup sale is ending. Being offered this time are PA Dutch ham, potato and cabbage soup as well as Italian chicken noodle.
Orders are being accepted through today.
Pickup of orders is Feb. 21.
To order, sign up at the Welcome Center or call the church at 570-629-1890.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.