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He remembers your name

If I took a poll asking Christians what their least favorite part of the Bible to read was, I am very confident that the genealogies would either top the list or at least be very close. Believe me, I understand the reasons why this is the case.

Biblical genealogies are not a very exciting way to show the ol’ family tree. I have yet to see someone compile their family information through ancestry.com or a family reunion and then use a long series of “begots” to convey it. Lists are seldom considered exciting forms of literature to read.

When I first started reading the Bible, I was really confused why they were even included. I wondered what is so pertinent about this information that it needs to be gone over in such detail anyway? Can I just skip to the good stuff or is that cheating?

Over time, I have actually grown to really appreciate the genealogies and now slow down to pay extra attention to them. Part of this is understanding their place in the Bible. Like every part of the Bible, God had them included for a reason.

Genealogies provide a direct connection to the past. They are the glue that bond events and people together across different places and periods of time. They add validity to the historical events in the Bible. They show God working through His people whom He set apart to be a light to the world. They are evidence that events are fulfillment of prophecy foretold long ago.

There are obviously many reasons why God included the genealogies but there is one aspect of them that really touches my heart more than all of the rest. God remembered these people by name! As you read through any of the genealogies in the Bible, you are bound to read some very well-known names. We instantly pick out David, Abraham, Ruth and Noah. We remember how God used them in powerful and amazing ways.

But what about Azor, Zadok and Matthan? How about Mahalaleel, Lud and Mash? Do you remember their names? God does. He remembers each and every one! When people had long since forgotten their names, God remembers and He has preserved them for all of time. God notices and remembers the name of not only those who play a large role in the course of human history, He remembers every name.

You may feel like you have never played a large or noticeable role in God’s unfolding story. The world will most likely forget all of our names a few generations after our earthly passings. God won’t. God has known you by name since He knit you in your mother’s womb. He has numbered every hair on your head from the time that your hair started to grow. God has always known you and you will never cease to be known by Him.

What is even more exciting than to have your name recorded in the Bible is to have it recorded in the Book of Life. For all those who commit their lives to Christ, putting their faith and trust in Him, Jesus promises, “I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.”

To be written in the Book of Life is to be counted among the righteous for all eternity because of faith in the saving act of Christ.

You may feel small, the world may forget who you are, but God loves you and remembers you by name.

People’s EC Church is located at 216 Wagner St., Lehighton.