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Virtual meeting place creates a real community

Honest Trav’s Virtual Dive Bar.

A virtual Facebook group to safely hang out and enjoy a few drinks during the beginning of the pandemic.

That’s what it was at its origin last spring, anyway.

Pioneered by Travis Lindenmoyer of Lehighton, and a group of hardworking moderators, the Facebook group has turned into a real-life community - 96,000 members later.

“We’re across all platforms,” Lindenmoyer said in a September interview.

“It’s a pretty cool place. We were kind of wild in the beginning. … Now it turned into more of a community and a real group. We have all types of eating challenges, fundraisers, and we have a sober section that comes in and shotguns Monster Energy drinks with us and just hangs out. It’s really taken on a life of its own.”

The group proved to have a generously big heart over the past few months. During the holiday season, Trav’s community raised over $17,000 for families in need.

“That was great success, especially for our first year jumping into it,” said Kirk LaRose, the group’s media representative.

“All the money went directly back to group members’ families that reached out to us - either nominating someone or telling us their story saying they needed some help to give their kids a good Christmas or to keep the lights on, or whatever it was.

“Mostly to kids for presents. A lot of the stuff - we had some of our moderators go out and purchase all of the presents. We said we’d make it happen and meet up with those families. Our little elves were all over the (Lehigh) Valley dropping presents and shopping. It was unbelievable.”

LaRose said most of the donations and delivered gifts were local due to the logistics of shipping and mail right now. But it didn’t stop some members from lending a hand to anyone who was in need.

“There was one donation of over $2,000 that was made by an anonymous member of the group that went directly to one family in Youngstown, Ohio, who reached out and said they were basically about to be evicted,” LaRose said. “And they never met, that person will never meet that person or have any idea who it was. That’s the way they wanted it.”

LaRose said the “tip the bill” challenge was encouraged throughout the group for members to participate when they dined out.

Lindenmoyer said his group was responsible for a $700 tip at Riverwalck Saloon, a $300 tip at the Bowmanstown Diner, and multiple tips ranging between $100-300 across the Lehigh Valley.

The group has many plans for 2021. Lindenmoyer recently teamed up with Saucony Creek Brewing Company, Kutztown, and introduced the “Honest Trav’s Dive Bar Ale” to the world in December.

Additionally, the group hopes to have many in-person functions in the future.

“We’ve definitely been holding out on having any large events, which we’re certainly planning on doing,” LaRose said. “As soon as we are able to, we are going to look to have a bunch of special events around the area and beyond.

“It’s a true community now. People throw the word family around a lot. A virtual family. People have made lifelong friendships, best friends who they didn’t know a year ago that they met through this platform.”

Honest Trav's Virtual Dive Bar was created as a safe place to hang out online. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO