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Lehighton Area Elementary Students of the Month, December 2020

Lehighton Area Elementary Center recently announced its December Students of the Month.

The students of the month for kindergarten, first and second grades are:

Kindergarten: Elijah Tirpak, Levi Moreira, Kendallyn Good, Olivia Stuckley, Kyler Parisi, Ellyanna Meek, Alison Clayton.

First grade: Piper Uyvari, Benjamin Pearson, Liliana Nalesnik, Kaylee Atwood, Rosemary West, Mallory Johnston, Madison Coco, Sophia Bearer.

Second grade: Madison Aguila, Mason Neff, Knox Strausberger, Ziyke Moser, Isabella Heckman, Mark Fitzsimmons, Daniel Everett.

Lehighton area kindergartners named Student of the Month for December are, from left, Levi Moreira, Kyler Parisi, Kendallyn Good, Olivia Stuckley, Elijah Tirpak and Ellyanna Meek. Missing from photo is Alison Clayton. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS
Lehighton area first-graders named Student of the Month for December are, from left, Piper Uyvari, Rosemary West, Benjamin Pearson, Kaylee Atwood, Mallory Johnston, and Madison Coco. Missing from the photo are Liliana Nalesnik and Sophia Bearer.
Lehighton area second-graders named Student of the Month for December are, from left, Isabella Heckman, Madison Aguila, Mark Fitzsimmons, Ziyke Moser and Knox Strausberger. Missing from photo are Mason Neff and Daniel Everett.