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WOW into words

How do you put WOW into words? If I had to say what the most difficult part of preparing and preaching a sermon is, it’s this. There are so many times during my reading of the Bible that I simply pause and lean back in my chair amazed and in awe.

How can God be so loving when I least deserve it? How can he be so kind, merciful and forgiving when I constantly fall short? How does he have such patience for me when I struggle to have patience for others? God’s goodness leaves me speechless. How do you put WOW into words?

My heart desires to lift his name on high and exalt him to all the ends of the earth. I want to describe to others how incredible God is, how he loves us in a greater way than this world has ever known. I want to tell of his humble servant nature. The One whom through all has been created, the King of kings and Lord of lords who dwells in the majesty of heavenly places, was born among livestock for me.

Jesus endured every temptation which faces man to sympathize with my weaknesses. He submitted to the will of the Father, knowing the torturous death to come on the cross, so that the way to reconciliation may be made for me. He did it for me! He did it for all of us! How do you put WOW into words?

I want to explain it to everyone. I want them to rejoice in knowing this in their hearts. Oh, that feeling of communion with God in our souls! The experience of the shepherd finding us when we were most lost. Gathered to the very heart of the One who cares most about us. How marvelous it is to have a close personal relationship with our Savior! How do you put WOW into words?

I have come to the conclusion that it can’t be done. Certainly not adequately. I’ve tried and tried again but to no avail. Our English language is just not equipped to properly tell of the glories of God. I don’t believe any earthly language can.

Instead, let us put WOW into action. Let the love of God flow through us to touch the hearts of those in our lives. Let us be a reflection of the One who created us in his likeness. Let grace, mercy and forgiveness abound in ways so completely and totally unexpected.

Let us endeavor to live in such oneness with our Lord that others may see and know him through us. May it leave others in awe as they see Christ in us and working through us. May their repentant heart accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and wonder aloud … WOW!

People’s EC Church is located at 216 Wagner St., Lehighton.