Published January 13. 2021 01:45PM
Mrs. Carolyn Carter was installed as president of the Black Diamond Lodge No. 269, Ladies Auxiliary to the B. of L.F.&E., at the annual reorganizational meeting held Monday night in the Eagles Building, Jim Thorpe.
Other officers seated at that time were Mrs. Dorothy Yale, vice president; Mrs. Hannah Hontz, secretary; Mrs. Emily Dunstan, treasurer; Mrs. Ruth Beers, collector; Mrs. Irene Parliman, Mrs. Edith Sheridan and Mrs. Susan Decker, trustees; Mrs. Sheridan, chaplain; Mrs. Christiana Martiensen, flag bearer; Mrs. Mabel Knappenberger, inner guard; Mrs. Bertha O’Neill, outer guard; Mrs. Parliman, musician; Mrs. Beers, magazine correspondent; Mrs. Dunstan, delegate; Mrs. Yale, alternate delegate and legislative representative.