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Penn State hosts online diabetes dining course

Individuals who want to learn how to better manage diabetes now can take a webinar offered by Penn State Extension.

“Dining with Diabetes” is a diabetes education program taught by extension educators across Pennsylvania. It is geared toward anyone who has type 2 diabetes, prediabetes, has a family member with type 2 diabetes, or is at risk for developing diabetes.

It will be held Jan. 12, 19, and 26, from 6 to 7:15 p.m.; with a follow-up class on April 13.

The course is divided into five sections: what is diabetes; meal planning, serving sizes and carbohydrate counting; heart-healthy eating; medications, monitoring and goal setting; and dining out.

Each section will provide participants with valuable information designed to help manage diabetes.

The sections are designed to be viewed individually, so participants can choose the order in which they move through the course.

For more information or to register, visit extension.psu.edu/dining-with-diabetes-webinar.