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Netflix chooses Stroudsburg for Christmas transformation

Several weeks ago Stroudsburg’s Mayor, Tarah Probst, received a rather odd phone call.

“The caller, who identified herself as Sara of Blue Revolver Inc., explained she had a big client that wanted to spread some holiday cheer by decorating our town,” Probst said.

When the mayor asked who the client was, Sara told her she couldn’t reveal the client until her company knew they had permission to come and decorate.

The mayor said one reason she was skeptical was because Sara couldn’t tell her who the big client was.

However, the caller did tell Probst the company is a well known company and every year they choose six large cities in the U.S. to decorate, but this year because of the pandemic they chose the smaller towns because the smaller businesses seemed to be the hardest hit.

Probst agreed to speak with the council and get back to her.

“It was one of those times you don’t really know if it is real or a prank. You never know,” she said.

Long story short, council met and Stroudsburg’s Manager, Brian Ace, gave the green light to tell Blue Revolver Inc. they would agree to the decorating.

Who comes to town

“Making the phone call to Blue Revolver Inc. and learning Netflix was the big client was amazing. Only I couldn’t tell anyone until they were coming to hang the decorations. Believe me, it was so hard to not tell anyone,” Probst said.

Last weekend, Blue Revolver Inc. pulled into town and before the weekend was over, Main Street between Sixth and Seventh streets was transformed into a winter wonderland that features the titles of several Netflix holiday movies, including “Jingle Jangle” and “Dolly Parton’s Christmas on the Square.”

“The light display has boosted the spirits of residents, visitors and businesses alike. We decorate Main every year with lights and wreaths, plus a large Christmas tree and the Menorah in Courthouse Square, but this certainly adds to the holiday cheer,” the mayor said.

“We reached out to a number of towns across the U.S. and Mayor Probst responded with enthusiastic interest, and it continued from there,” said Sara Gans Blue.

Thanks to Netflix and Blue Revolver Inc., downtown Stroudsburg will shine merry and bright for many holiday seasons because the decorations are a gift to the town.

Main Street in Stroudsburg is merry and bright thanks to Netflix and Blue Revolver Inc., who donated the lights and hung the lights between Sixth and Seventh streets. AMY LEAP/TIMES NEWS
Trees decorated with twinkling lights light up the decorated store windows on Main Street. AMY LEAP/TIMES NEWS