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Schuylkill Co. hires firm to dismantle recycling sites

Schuylkill County Commissioners took another step in the ending of the county’s drop-off recycling program this week by approving an agreement with a Port Carbon company.

Mei Demo and Excavation at $8,000 was the low bidder for the dismantling project. There are 16 drop-off sites countywide.

The commissioners approved the recycling changes that would require waste haulers to provide a curbside recycling option last month.

“The bottom line is by the end of the year we should be out of this business and the center should be shut down,” Commissioner Barron “Boots” Hetherington said.

County Administrator Gary Bender said the county is “working on a schedule” for the end of the recycling program. Bender said they are hoping to get the bins removed by the end of the year.

“He is on a timeline,” he said of the company.

Commissioner Gary Hess said the price the company quoted was surprising. However, Bender said the owner could do it for that price.

Lisa Mahall, county engineer, said she spoke with Vince Madonna, the owner of the company, who “assured” her the price was correct.

“He’s been a contractor for the county on several occasions,” Mahall said Thursday.

She said bids received for the work ranged from more than $100,000 to Mei’s bid. The second lowest bid was $24,975, she said.

The county amended its previous existing solid waste and recycling ordinance and established that “all transporters who collect municipal waste from residential sources must provide to their customers curbside collection of recyclables included and bundled in the price of the municipal waste collection service with certain numerated exceptions.”

Bender had said previously haulers were looking to implement the changes in the first quarter of 2021. The county spends about $50,000 a year for recycling, officials said. Local municipalities can offer there own drop-off sites, must provide curbside recycling if they don’t.