The blessing of being runover
I was truly blessed growing up and having the opportunity to spend most of my time with my great-grandparents, Harold and June. I learned so much from them over the years and they really shaped much of who I am today. In the busy, chaotic, and stress-filled days in which we live, I sometimes find myself wishing I could be back sitting in their living room watching Lawrence Welk with them on a Saturday night. They are no longer here physically but my memories of them still bring back so much joy and peace.
Veterans Day was this past week and it got me thinking about a story my great-grandfather told me a few times over the years about his time serving in the Navy during World War II. This story is one that I often remember when struggling during difficult times.
I can still picture him sitting in his favorite chair in the evening, rubbing the one leg that was never truly right even after 60 years, as he recalled the events. Upon deployment, he was stationed in England. Not too long after getting there, he had the seemingly incredible misfortune of having his leg run over by a military truck. Miraculously, he had no broken bones but it was bad enough that he needed to spend some time in the hospital for it to heal.
One day, as he was about to be released, a high-ranking officer stopped by to visit to try to bring encouragement and a morale boost to all that were recovering. About to continue on in his travels, the officer inquired if there was someone who could drive for him. My great-grandfather, blessed to be in the right place at just the right time, would go on to spend the rest of his time in the Navy as his personal driver.
I often think of how getting runover by a truck sure seems like a horrible thing to happen to you and yet it was one of the most incredible blessings of his life. I’m sure it didn’t seem like it in the moments that immediately followed. I am sure during the intense pain that he must have felt that he was not filled with excitement and joy. No one wants to get their leg runover by a truck. And yet, it needed to happen for him to be in that hospital at just the right time.
Sometimes in our lives, we go through horrible events and experiences that we never wish to go through again. Often times, we may be left confused and wondering why God would allow us to struggle and deal with such great pain. We may even be tempted to wonder if God is still with us or if He as deserted us.
When I go through those times, I often think of this story and am reminded that God has a plan. Sometimes we need to experience the pain for Him to get us right where we need to be. God never promised that everything in our lives would go smoothly. He did promise He would right there with us through it all though. It reminds me, even in the struggles and pain, to trust God knowing not only that He is sovereign and in control but that He loves me immensely.
Know that even in what seems like the worst of times, God is still working. He is still faithful and always present. Not a single moment of pain, not a single tear shed, will be wasted when we surrender our lives to Him.