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No tax increase for Walker Township

Walker Township announced at its Nov. 5 monthly meeting that no tax increase will be needed for 2021.

The meeting, always held on the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., doubled as the county’s budget meeting. Chairman Craig Wagner said the county had a productive year.

“(It’s thanks to) everyone who works here - there were lots of accomplishments made and we couldn’t have done it without (them),” Wagner said.

The new proposed budget has been approved for advertising and open to the public for inspection. Copies of the budget can be viewed at the township building located at 9 Township Road in Tamaqua.

The budget can also be requested online by emailing Walker’s secretary Ann Ostergaard at walkertwpsecretary@gmail.com.

Wildcat Road

Signs were posted on Wildcat Road on Nov. 4. to begin the implementation of the new ordinance that requires businesses to send in applications to the county in order for their large vehicles to use the road.

Businesses are also able to send in exemptions, and the county will approve them as they see fit.

Solicitor Chris Riedlinger said the ordinance is now active and enforceable.

Ostergaard said she’s been receiving a lot of questions asking about the details of the restriction ordinance. Please contact the township office for specific information pertaining to the ordinance.

Police report

Doug Springer, chief of police for Walker Township, attended the meeting to give the police report. In his report, he said the police are still visible, especially on Pebble Lane, Meadow Lane and other problem areas.

Springer reported that speeding has been a nonissue, but there are concerns of a late-night shooting. The police are looking for reflectors and cars parked alone late at night.

The police will continue and have been continuing to do routine business checks.

Road report

Line painting that was scheduled to be done by Nov. 6 has now been completed.

Wildcat Road has enacted a weight limit ordinance of 13 tons on Wildcat Road.

Road repair work continues to be done on Wildcat Road and other township roads that are most in need.

A dirt and gravel grant was received for $34,000 to work on Kettle Road.

Once the new year begins, supervisors and the roadmaster will begin to look for and plan road work projects to be done in 2021.