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Trump sign vandalized in Summit Hill

A Summit Hill resident reported that her signs supporting President Donald J. Trump were vandalized overnight between Wednesday and Thursday.

Joyce Tirpak said she’s not looking for criminal prosecution, but didn’t want the vandalism to go unnoticed.

“I just thought it should be brought to the attention of the valley,” she said. “Biden’s winning - why would you wreck my sign?”

The vandalism consisted of smearing black paint on a large “RE-ELECT TRUMP 2020” sign, which is surrounded with Christmas lights. In the paint, someone wrote ‘Biden 2020,’ Flags and a campaign sign were also cut.

Tirpak said it also appeared that they attempted to burn a Trump flag which was hanging from her flagpole, and there was also damage to Trump signs next door and across the street.

The vandalism didn’t surprise her, but the timing did. She had her signs displayed for about a year.

Tirpak said she would be unsurprised that Democrats and their supporters would deface a Trump sign, because they have never accepted the results of the 2016 election. She has another flag displayed which reads “Makes the Liberals Cry Again.”

“I would never do that to someone’s sign if my candidate didn’t win, but it didn’t surprise me that it happened to this sign,” she said.

In Pennsylvania, vandalism is considered criminal mischief, and penalties can be stiff. Even the lowest level offenses are punishable by up to 90 days in jail.

Tirpak maintained that she does not want the vandals to be prosecuted, but she did report the vandalism to Summit Hill Police. The Department did not return a call for comment.

Tirpak said even before the vandalism she planned to keep up her signs up until a winner is declared in the election. Her neighbor took down their damaged signs, but she said she intends to stick her plan.

“I’m not taking it down until the election is decided,” she said.

Joyce Tirpak plans to keep up her Trump signs until the election is decided, even after they were vandalized Wednesday night. CHRIS REBER/TIMES NEWS