Home heating assistance program opens Monday
Applications will open Monday for the annual Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program application process for the 2020-21 season.
LIHEAP provides assistance for home heating bills so low-income Pennsylvanians can stay warm and safe during the winter months. Assistance is available for renters and homeowners. LIHEAP applications open on Nov. 2 and ends April 9, 2021.
“We know that the pandemic and economic downturn have made it difficult for many to keep up with home energy bills. As winter approaches and we prepare to spend more time indoors, these bills may only get more expensive. I encourage everyone who may need assistance, or who has a loved one or neighbor that could benefit from this program to urge them to apply for LIHEAP,” said DHS Secretary Teresa Miller. “No one should feel like they have to choose whether they should heat their home because they are worried about making ends meet.”
“If you are falling behind on your utility bills, it is important to reach out for help early, don’t wait until you are in a crisis. You have options - PA 211 is one place you can turn. Simply dial 211, or text your Zip code to 898-211 to speak with a resource navigator who will search for utility assistance that may be available in your area. 211 can also give you instructions about how to apply for LIHEAP,” said Kristen Rotz, president of the United Way of Pennsylvania and Executive Director of Pennsylvania 211.
The minimum cash benefit that can be received is $200 and the maximum is $1,000, and the crisis maximum - the benefit for people who meet the poverty limits and are in jeopardy of having their heating utility service terminated - is being raised to $800, up from last year’s $600.
The income limit for the program is 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Limit. For a household of three, this would be $32,580 gross income per year and for a household of four would be $39,300 per year. Pennsylvanians do not need to know their own eligibility in order to apply for these programs. Those who applied and were denied previously, but have experienced a change in circumstances can reapply.
Pennsylvanians can apply for LIHEAP and other public assistance programs online at www.compass.state.pa.us. Those who prefer to submit paper applications can print from the website or request an application by phone at 1-800-692-7462 and mail it to their local County Assistance Office, then place it in a CAOs secure drop box, if available.
For tips on keeping warm throughout the winter while saving money on utility costs, visit www.energysavers.gov.