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Mahoning Township Supervisors

Mahoning Township supervisors took the following action on Wednesday:

• Agreed to purchase two Dell Optiplex computers for the township office at a cost of $3,044, along with two Dell Optiplex computers for the police department at a cost of $2,944. The computers are budgeted items and are a need.

• Approved the third amendment for the Summit Ridge Development agreement.

• Approved the third amendment for the Sage Meadows Development agreement.

• Granted a 90-day extension for the Neeb plan.

• Approved a request from KCE to grant an extension of time until Nov. 30 for the board to act on the Sierra Vista, Phase 1A subdivision plan.

• Approved a 90-day request for the Secara minor subdivision plan.

• Tabled an agreement with American Tower.

- Terry Ahner