Published October 24. 2020 08:01AM
Weissport is preparing for the installation of a new maintenance garage building.
A $1,394.85 deposit was sent earlier this month to Choice Metal Buildings, a company out of North Carolina.
Once Choice Metal Buildings processes the request, a specification sheet will be sent to Weissport Councilman Moyer and Ketchledge, who will be going over the specification sheets and hiring a contractor to pour the 22 x 26 cement floor pads.
The project is expected to cost about $8,500 plus the cost of the concrete pad.
Additionally, a new concrete walkway will be poured outside Weissport’s borough building.
Police report
Chief Officer Williams submitted his monthly statistical police report for the time period beginning Sept. 21 through Oct. 19.
A total of 21 police calls were made during the specified time period resulting in two criminal arrests being made.
Other business
• Weissport will hold trick-or-treat this Halloween from 6 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, for borough residents and their families only.
• Borough council would like to make residents aware that the general election poll location has changed. Voting will be held at Jacob’s Church on Franklin Street in Weissport and is no longer at The Grove.
• Weissport is looking for a new tax collector beginning January 2021. Anyone interested should call 610-377-5606 or email @
• The borough has a part time opening for a borough worker to assist with general maintenance duties and possibly snow clearing within the borough.