Kids for the Community donates to Pace-Makers
A Palmerton-based Facebook group has made its most recent donation.
Members of Kids for the Community recently presented $330 to the Palmerton Pace-Makers Association.
Jennifer Merkel, founder of Kids for the Community, said the money was raised during summer concerts in the Palmerton Park after she organized a refreshment stand where the kids could sell lemonade and other goodies.
“I think the kids did pretty good,” Merkel said.
Dale Steigerwalt, Pace-Makers spokesman, explained what the association does with the donations it receives.
“Any money raised or donated to Pace-Makers goes back to the community,” Steigerwalt said. “It’s for anything related to kids’ safety so they can enjoy going out for any recreational activity.”
Steigerwalt thanked Kids for the Community, whom he said has been extremely active since its formation.
“I think it’s absolutely fantastic what they have been able to do,” he said. “It’s to teach kids that it’s not necessarily about you, but to help others in need, and teaching good family morals.”
Merkel started up a Facebook group and posted her first event, a cleanup day in the Palmerton park. That was soon followed by a day in the park making cards for seniors in the community.
Pace-Makers member Terry Costenbader noted that the association has given over $88,000 back to the community since it was founded in 1990.