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Honey princess to visit Carbon 4-H club

Sydnie Paulsrud, the 2020 American Honey Princess, will visit Pennsylvania Oct. 12-15. She will make appearances throughout the community during her stay, speaking to students and adult groups about how honeybees amplify agriculture through pollination. She will also teach about how honey varieties dazzle multiple senses.

Locally, Paulsrud will present to the Carbon County 4-H Livestock Club on Oct. 14. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. and is held at the outdoor pavilion area of Big Creek Grange.

Sydnie is the 20-year-old daughter of Thea Weinberger of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and Jack Paulsrud of Augusta, Wisconsin.

Prior to serving as a spokesperson for the beekeeping and honey industry, she studied childcare services in college.

Hailing from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, Sydnie also works for DHL-Fleet Farm Distribution Center.

As the 2020 American Honey Princess, Sydnie serves as a national spokesperson on behalf of the American Beekeeping Federation, a trade organization representing beekeepers and honey producers throughout the United States.

The American Honey Queen and Princess speak and promote in venues nationwide, and Princess Sydnie will travel and speak throughout the United States in 2020. The beekeeping industry touches the lives of every individual in our country.

In fact, honeybees are responsible for nearly one-third of our entire diet, in regards to the pollination services that they provide for a large majority of fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes.

This amounts to nearly $19 billion per year of direct value from honeybee pollination to U.S. agriculture.
