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West End news for Sept. 24, 2020

Polk supervisors

The Polk Township Board of Supervisors is scheduled to meet at 7 p.m. Monday.

Teens invited

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church youth group is having its bonfire kickoff at two different times.

The Teens of Peace, grades 9 to 12 in high school, will have theirs from 7 to 9 p.m. Sept. 29.

The Living 4:12, grades 7-8, will have theirs from 6 to 7:15 p.m., Sept. 30.

Not only will there be a bonfire but also dogs, s’mores and fun.

Youth are to meet in the church atrium and then all will proceed to the bonfire together.

Masks are requested when inside.

Hoagie sale

McMichaels UMC is accepting hoagie orders. Orders must be in by Oct. 1.

Hoagies will be ready for pickup Oct. 8 at the church at noon. You may call Pastor Ed at 610-597-1030 or Ruth Funk at 610-496-8964 to place the order.

There are several kinds, including ham, turkey, roast beef, tuna and veggie, so one can ask when calling one of the above.

Riders raffle

The American Legion Riders of Post 927, Gilbert, is holding its last Bike Night of the season from 5 to 9 p.m. A Best Bike contest will be held at 7:30 p.m.

In conjunction with the ride, a pistol raffle will be held at 8 p.m. Friday at the Post home on Fairgrounds Road.

Only 250 tickets were to be sold.

The winner need not be present to win.

For more information, contact Gary Spears at 941-400-2293 or President Everett Shaver at 570-977-8208.

Eldred reminder

Eldred Township Secretary E. Ann Velopolcek sent a reminder that people should remember to fill out the U.S. Census form. She says it is very important for voting districts, federal and state funding and many other resources that an accurate count be completed, noting that Eldred is only at 34 percent when she last checked.

Virtual walk

Members and friends of Our Lady Queen of Peace Church have been notified that the parish will do a virtual walk to Bethlehem to meet Christ this Christmas.

The walk will begin Oct. 4 and end Dec. 20, the last Sunday in Advent.

For more details, call the church at 610-681-6137.

Life Chain

Our Lady Queen of Peace Church will again have a Life Chain during Respect for Life Month, which is October. That will be on Oct. 4. And, for those who are interested, the Pregnancy Resource Center in Stroudsburg is again having a Walk for Life on Oct. 3.

To register for that, go to: https://bit.ly/3hSYuM6.

Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.