Published September 18. 2020 11:14AM
This will be mostly for the younger generations, if any of them read newspapers.
If we change presidents in November, and you are promised “free” anything, have you thought about what you’ll really get for free? Does anyone get to ask the promising people what exactly it is that they will “give” to ALL OF YOU?
Girls, what kind of hairdos, coloring spas will they have for you? What kind of nail care, piercing places and tattoo joints? What choice of earrings, tattoos and nails will they “give” to you?
Guys, what kind of sports bars, with what kind of drinks, etc. will they “give” you? Will there be ANY sports on TV or anywhere? Will there be any free time for any of you?
How about “free” housing? No more single-family homes, with nice yards for your kids to play or where you can have backyard barbecue. What can you do in group housing units? How many on a floor of how many floors, in tall buildings with two bathrooms, on each floor, one at each end of the hallway? Shared with how many people.
What kind of cars will they “give” you? And jobs? Think about everyone given a “job” in a sweat shop, and they make the hours, no choice for you.
Did I say “choice” - will there be choice? Doesn‘t sound like the America we’ve known and loved, and our ancestors fought and died for.
God bless America, and help us keep her.
Ruthann Schlecht