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Expecting the bloom

Positioned directly in front of our church sign, there is currently a tall, green and rather unassuming plant. If you drove by, chances are you wouldn’t even take notice to it. Yet, in a short period of time from now, it will be a showstopper. How do I know and why am I so confident? Past experiences with this plant have taught me to expect it.

Every year, I witness the same pattern repeat itself. The plant grows tall. Buds form on the plant. Buds bloom into stunningly beautiful roses. The first year as a pastor at People’s EC, I had no idea that this was a rose bush until it was in full bloom. For most, it may have been obvious, but I had no idea. It was just a beautiful surprise.

My second year, I caught on a little quicker. When the blooms began to open, I remembered the colors from the previous year and knew what was to come. Now, I can recognize it before it ever begins to bloom. In fact, I expect it to continue to happen each year and am confident it will. Why? Because my past experiences with this plant have taught me to expect it.

All throughout the Old Testament, God reminds the Israelites of how He has rescued them in the past and the promises He had made to them that had already been fulfilled. He refers to Himself as “the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.” and as “the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” Memorials were instructed to be built so that there would be physical reminders for parents to teach their children what wondrous things the Lord had done. These reminders are included with great repetition as God spoke with His people.

Even in the midst of great uncertainty, the Israelites could be confident in God’s faithfulness, His provision, and His compassion for them. Why? Because their past experiences with God had taught them to expect it.

God is not being forgetful or bragging when He repeats how He had rescued the Israelites or fulfilled His promises to their ancestors. God was helping them to understand that by looking back at their history, they could see how God had always been there for them. When they called out to God in need, He was there. When He made a promise, it was always kept.

In the midst of times of uncertainly and anxiety in our lives, we too can look back. When we do, we can see how God has always brought us through each situation we encountered. We can see how He has always lined things up just right to provide for us and take care of us. We can see how God has never broken a single promise. We can see God’s hand all over our lives.

When we look to the future, we can have peace and hope knowing without a doubt that God will be with us and will carry us through. We know that He will be loving, faithful, and compassionate. Why? Because our past experiences with God have taught us to expect it.

This plant will soon bloom with beautiful roses. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO