West End news for Aug 26, 2020
PV Board meets
The Pleasant Valley School District Board of Education meets Thursday.
Party continues
An open community event Friday and Saturday, Party at the Pavilion, is offered by Post 927 from 5 to 9 p.m. each of those evenings.
It offers a variety of food and drinks. For information, call Spears at 941-400-2293.
In between, from noon to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Post 927 is holding an all-you-can-eat Pasta for a Purpose to benefit Keenan Morrison. Only 150 tickets are available.
Contact Marylou Morrison at 570-801-1791.
Chicken barbecue
It’s time to enjoy Effort UMC’s semiannual chicken barbecue fundraising dinner Saturday from 1-7 p.m. or until sold out.
It is a takeout dinner only. Desserts will include only apple pie, pumpkin pie and brownies. Call the church at 570-629-1890 to place an order and arrange payment.
Church reminder
Pleasant Valley Assembly of God Church reminds its church family to take time to register for which service folks will be attending this Sunday, remembering that PV kids and nursery will only be available in the 11 a.m. service.
The church leadership wants to make sure space is available for any guests.
For those who cannot attend, the services will be streamed live and broadcast on 93.3 FM.
Sunday service
Effort UMC plans to have tentative live services Sunday at 8:30 and 11 a.m. in the pavilion
Worshippers are asked to bring their own respective chair, wear a mask, sanitize their hands and practice social distancing.
A recording of the service will be available Sunday after 8 a.m. at Effortumc.org.
Two services
Cornerstone Community Church has two services at 9 a.m. and at 10:30 a.m. Masks are required for ages 2 and up.
Nursery, toddler and preschool are available during the 10:30 a.m. service.
Kresgeville Worship
Salem-St. Paul Lutheran Church worships weekly online.
Email the church at ssplc@ptd.net to get the pretaped service or you can also go directly to our YouTube channel to view services which are uploaded each Sunday afternoon.
We also have parking lot services every second and fourth Sunday at 10 a.m. and are live on Facebook: fb.me/SSPGODLOVESYOU.
Chestnuthill meeting
The Chestnuthill Township Board of Supervisors is slated to meet at 7 p.m. Sept. 1, at the municipal building in Brodheadsville.
SFRC needs
Effort United Methodist Church’s Supplemental Food Resource Center is in need of canned vegetables such as corn, green beans, peas, mixed vegetables, carrots etc.
All donations may be dropped off at the church. However, it is suggested that donors call first to ensure someone is there to receive the donation.
Blood drive
The Jackson Township Fire Hall in Reeders still has several openings for donors of Power Red at its Sept. 3 drive.
Call 800-733-2767 or go to redcrossblood.org to check the times.
OTOH meeting
The next meeting of Operation: Touch of Home is 7 p.m. Sept. 8 at the American Legion Post in Gilbert. The meeting will take place under the pavilion.
Pizza sale ahead
McMichaels UMC is holding a pizza sale for which orders must be placed with Martha at 570-992-6742 by Sept. 10. Pickup is at the church on Sept. 19 by noon.
Food pantry
Good news from and for the West End Food Pantry in Kunkletown. The pantry leadership has announced it will be one of the recipients of the Pocono Mountains Community Fundraiser.
That fundraiser is being held virtually on Sept. 11 on TV and online at WBRE and PAHomepage.com. Tune in to WBRE on Sept. 11 from 8 to 9 p.m.
Shoe box Operation
McMichaels UMC is again being a part of Samaritan Purse’s Operation Christmas Child. Mable Hoagland is again in charge.
However, instead of making up the filled shoe boxes at church, members are asked to get a box and fill it with age/gender appropriate items such as combs, ribbons, pens, pencils, scissors, glue sticks, rulers, small art projects, small coloring books, crayons, socks, small doll, small cars, etc.
No glue or anything liquid or chocolate is allowed. Hard candy is OK.
Those boxes must be labeled for which gender and what age and rubber banded together with two rubber bands and brought to the church by Oct. 1.
United Caring
Pocono Mountains United Way is asking for contributions to its 2020 Be the Reason campaign.
Visit the PMUW donation page on the organization’s website for making a pledge and also help celebrate the 1st Annual Week of Caring by possibly doing the following: Creating notes of encouragement for senior centers, drawing pictures for seniors, helping with shopping, doing gardening for a neighbor, putting pictures of cheer in windows, sharing vegetable garden surprises with others; giving baskets of cheer, and any other way to spread cheer throughout the community, as per organization President Michael Tukeva’s newsletter.
Bingo’s back
WEPOSC announces that bingo resumes at Chestnuthill Park on Sept. 18, beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Limited spots: first come, first served.
All are asked to bring a mask to wear inside premises and to remain home if not feeling well.
The event will follow COVID-19 guidelines and will be subject to change based on the most current COVID-19 health guidelines at the time of the event.
Half of the game money collected will be paid out. Multiple boards will be played and there will be door prizes, specials and pull tabs. Only prepackaged snacks will be sold at this time, to be eaten while seated. No outside food or drink is the request.
For more information contact: Bernie Kozen, WEPOSC, Executive Director at P.O. Box 243, 221 Route 715, Brodheadsville, PA 18322 or by calling 570-992-9733 or at www.weposc.org.
Postponed event
Monroe County’s Habitat for Humanity has rescheduled its She Nailed It fun and fundraiser to May 16, 2021. For more information about MC Habitat, call 570-216-4390 or email execdirector@habitatmc.org.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.