Published August 18. 2020 12:18PM
What will a Joe Biden presidency look like? Joe Biden is no longer a centrist. He has adopted the policies of the radical left. It’s going to look a lot like the failed liberal-run Democrat cities of Portland, Seattle, Chicago and New York City, where anarchy reigns, rioting and looting are the norm and the police are being defunded as their precincts burn to the ground.
We can say goodbye to gas, oil, coal and fracking. Say goodbye to ICE. Free health care for illegals. Open borders. China will be eating our breakfast, lunch and dinner. Kiss our guns goodbye with Beto O’Rourke as the gun czar. Get ready for skyrocketing taxes. Who do you think is going to pay for the government’s “everything is free” policies? We are.
Communism sympathizer Bernie Sanders stated that a Joe Biden presidency will be the most progressive presidency in the history of our country. We can all look to Venezuela as the poster child for the failures of socialism.
Democrats forget to mention the crime, starvation, disease and death that go along with it. The beautiful, innocent babies and children will continue to be slaughtered in lawless Chicago, as their police force is being re-imagined.
What is being allowed to go on in our great country is absolutely disgraceful and heartbreaking. Crime will continue to increase, exponentially, when they empty the prisons onto our streets. With our guns confiscated, the police defunded, and escalating violent crime, welcome to the wild, wild West. This is what a Joe Biden presidency will look like.
Wanda Dietz
Franklin Township