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Walnutport Borough Council took the following action recently:

• Approved a bid from Cougle’s Recycling for single stream recycling.

• Agreed to open bids for the borough’s garbage contract at council’s meeting on Sept. 10.

• Agreed to purchase equipment from donated money for the proposed volleyball court.

• Granted roadmaster Michael Wentz permission to start negotiating for prices for a new tractor.

• Agreed to not rent out the pavilion out for the remainder of 2020 due to COVID-19.

• Authorized borough solicitor Michael Corriere and borough engineer Jason Newhard permission to start the petition process on Spade Alley.

• Approved a request for trapping for the 2020-2021 season, to the same individual who has been trapping for years.

• Announced that the next meeting of borough council will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 10.

- Terry Ahner