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West Penn Lions install officers, recognize members with special awards

The West Penn Township Lions held its installation of officers on July 1 at the West Penn Park.

This is typically a more formal event; however, due to social distancing guidelines the installation was held during a regular business meeting.

The installing officer for the evening was District Governor Gary Bender.

In addition to installing the 2020-2021 officers and directors, the club also recognized some members with special awards.

Immediate Past President Mike Hunsicker was given a club president award for his two-year term as the West Penn Lions President. Lions Deb Saunders, Curtis Bailey and Past International Director Robert Miller were given LCI Membership Awards for sponsoring new members during the 2019-2020 year.

Also recognized was Lion Zone Chairperson Stephanie Uroskie. Lion Stephanie received the highest recognition in Lions with the Melvin Zones Fellow. Immediate Past District Governor Jessica Karrer made the presentation.

West Penn Township Lion and Zone Chairperson Stephanie Uroskie was presented with a Melvin Jones Fellow which is the highest recognition in Lions. With Lion Stephanie is District Governor Gary Bender and Immediate Past District Governor Jessica Karrer.
The 2020-2021 West Penn Township Lions Officers and Directors. Front Row; Lion Secretary Deb Saunders, Lion Tail Twister LeRoy Wentzel, 1st Vice President Karissa Brothers, Immediate Past President and Director Mike Hunsicker, Installing Officer District Governor Gary Bender, 2020-2021 Lion President Matt Uroskie, 2nd Vice President Stephanie Uroskie, Lion Tamer and Membership Chair Rebecca Neumoyer. Second Row; Director Lion Gary Kistler, Director Lion Larry Stival and Lion Secretary Bob Neumoyer. Absent from photo are Lion Directors Stacey Lechleitner and Lion Paul Barth. CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS