Official revisits plan for safety in school zone
A Lehighton official has brought back to the table her concerns with student safety in a school zone based upon traffic flow.
Councilwoman Autumn Abelovsky told borough council on Monday that Lehighton Area School District’s 2020-21 budget currently does not include bus transportation.
“I think it’s going to be something we’re really going to need to look to,” Abelovsky said. “I will continue to talk with the mayor, police chief and school district.”
Councilwoman Lisa Perry noted that the borough has had enough difficulty getting crossing guards now, and wasn’t sure if they’ll have help to do it.
The borough typically advertises for crossing guards year-round, as the positions are part-time and seasonal with the school calendar. They also keep substitute guards on their roster.
Abelovsky said in her conversations with district Superintendent Jonathan J. Cleaver it was stated there could be enough for three to four more crossing guards, with the school district kicking in 60% of the cost and the borough 40%.
Council President Grant Hunsicker said he isn’t even sure how next school year will come to pass.
“I don’t even see how they can start school,” Hunsicker said.
Abelovsky said she just wanted council to be aware of the additional student pedestrian traffic, and reiterated that it will be a discussion between the district and borough police Chief Brian Biechy.
She said Biechy had previously suggested that there could be employees of George’s Bus Transportation that might be interested.
Biechy said the situation will likely go down to the wire.
“It’s just going to be difficult because we’re probably not going to know until the last minute,” Biechy said.
In March, Abelovsky informed council of her proposed Safe School Zone Four Point Plan.
Abelovsky said her proposal concerns the school zones, and in particular, the Mahoning Street areas.
She said her proposal would include a designated school zone safety awareness week in which they would reach out to parents, students and the community.
Abelovsky noted that the proposal wouldn’t go into effect until the start of the 2020-21 school year.
She said at that time the issue was getting worse, and that her goal is to better educate the community to the school zones and traffic patterns.
Abelovsky said she witnessed numerous crashes at the 11th and Mahoning street intersection, where drivers have disregarded the crossing guard and almost hit the children.
She then requested to meet with Mayor Clark Ritter and Biechy to discuss solutions and a clear designation of the school zone in that area.