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Palmerton hopes to unveil its school reopening plan on July 15

Local school districts are hard at work on health and safety reopening plans for the 2020-21 school year, with Palmerton set to unveil its version next week.

Superintendent Dr. Jodi Frankelli said Palmerton’s plan will be posted to the district website July 15.

“Our number one goal is to put in place a plan that allows students to return to school for the start of the year,” Frankelli said. “Through our surveys, parents have told us that is what they want to see and it is what we want to see. Getting them back in the classroom is our absolute top priority, and we need to be doing it in the safest way possible.”

The district is hoping to get as much feedback on the plan as possible before the board votes on it. That could happen at the July 21 board meeting.

“We want everyone’s comments,” Frankelli said. “This isn’t something we’re just putting on the website to look at. There may be items that we miss or things that are not as clear as we think.”

Palmerton plans to set up an email address where stakeholders can submit comments on the reopening plan.

Frankelli said she has met with numerous groups that will play key roles in how Palmerton reopens its doors for students and staff. They include the administrative team and transportation provider Leon George, with meetings still to come with the teachers’ union president and dining services.

“The superintendents in Carbon, Lehigh and Northampton counties also have a webinar and meeting with Pennsylvania Department of Education Secretary Pedro Rivera this week,” she said.

With the district’s goal to get students back in the classroom, a focus will turn to enhanced cleaning throughout the day in each of the buildings. Facilities director Joe Faenza said Tuesday he is likely to ask the board to hire additional custodians to handle the load.

“We’ll be working with the business office and Dr. Frankelli to see what the grant opportunities are there,” Faenza said.

He added that his department has been stocking up on cleaning supplies to make sure they’ll have enough for the school year.

“Supplies are just going to be harder and harder to get,” he said. “We’re already seeing that.”

The district also plans to add a tab to its website, where all of the back to school information, such as the health and safety plan and any other pertinent information can be found.

“It’s been a monumental task putting the plan together, especially with the guidelines in a constant state of change,” Frankelli said. “It’s a challenge, but it’s something we’ll certainly overcome.”