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Group’s 20/20 Circle prepares for first endowment

The Carbon County Community Foundation’s 20/20 Circle is gearing up to award its inaugural endowment.

Launched in 2018, this fund in particular is made up of just over 60 donors, all of whom pledged at least $1,000 to help establish it.

Once it makes it to 250 members, the 20/20 Circle will become a permanent fixture in Carbon County, offering an annual grant that area organizations can apply for.

It’s not there yet. But the Community Foundation is still looking for potential donors to join the cause.

And come fall, the 20/20 Circle will be awarding a grant to one local organization.

The Community Foundation hosts a number of endowments, ones that support the arts, an individual’s education, scouting and more. It’s recently distributed more than $30,000 in Carbon County to alleviate strain caused by the coronavirus, according to Sharon Alexander, who took over as executive director of the Community Foundation in April.

But the 20/20 Circle is specifically for nonprofits in the county.

To be eligible, organizations must apply through the Community Foundation website. Then, select applicants will be invited to present in front of the 20/20 Circle at its annual October meeting.

There, donors will vote to determine who receives the funds.

What’s unique about the 20/20 Circle, Alexander pointed out, is that it gives community members a means of pooling their monetary resources.

“Really, it’s a community asset,” Alexander said. “People can support causes that are important to them and make a difference, regardless of their income or personal wealth.

“We can give more to the causes that matter most, and have a bigger impact year after year,” she added.

The application deadline for this year’s 20/20 Circle grant cycle is Aug. 30.

Any questions about the application process can be forwarded to Alexander at info@cccfoundpa.org.

To submit a proposal for the grant or to become a member of 20/20 Circle, go to www.cccfoundpa.org.