West End news for July 1, 2020
Legion meeting
The West End Memorial American Legion Post 927 is scheduled to have its monthly meeting at 7:30 tonight.
The Legion Post of 927 is having its monthly meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
Said meetings will be held in the pavilion.
There will be a limit, admitting only 40 members at a time.
Masks are to be used at all times unless seated to eat or drink.
More specifics can be obtained when signing in.
Lioness Club disbanding
The Western Pocono Lioness Club is disbanding as of June 30, as per announcement to its sponsoring Lions Club, The Western Pocono Lions, due to various circumstances.
The club has donated all its fundraising finances to the West End community, with large amounts to organizations that have provided food to those in need and service organization which also have issues in fundraising.
Those entities include: AWSOM, Beacon Lodge, cancer, Vision Loss, Garden of Giving, Leader Dogs, Meals on Wheels-twice, Conservation Camp, PVEN-twice, Touch of Home, West End Pantry-twice, West End Park, library, Women’s Resources, Valor, 4 fire companies-twice, Effort United Methodist Church, Salvation Army, Papillon (animal rescue).
In addition, the club has given a $500 scholarship to the Pleasant Valley School District graduate in honor of deceased Western Pocono Lions Club member Robert Kelsey, who served as District Governor for the Lions of District 14U.
That scholarship was given in addition to the regular recipient of the club’s long-established scholarship.
National invitation
Geoffrey M. Roche, a Pleasant Valley High School graduate, HU Strategic Healthcare Initiatives Director, has been invited to serve on a national COVID-19 task force.
Drive-in service
Those who wish to attend Zion Lutheran’s drive-in service at 9 a.m. Sunday are asked to call or email a reservation to the church at 570-992-6988 or zionulc@ptd.net, respectively.
Worship on web
Effort UMC had its Sunday service on Zoom Sunday. Anyone who missed it can check the church’s website, where the service was posted Monday morning.
Chestnuthill board
The Chestnuthill Township Board of Supervisors is slated to meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday, at the township municipal building on Route 715.
Electronics recycling
Eldred Township has announced the reopening of its electronics recycling program. Drop-off days are from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday.
Masks must be worn. If the building is open, users are asked to sign in so that staff may know who is on the grounds and for what reason.
The program will run all summer, provided the municipal complex is able to remain open to the public, until Sept. 25.
For a list of acceptable items, contact the township office at 610-381-4252, ext. 2.
Children’s programs
Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center has begun offering summer programs for children beginning this week. Age groupings available are ages 3-6 (one parent must attend with child), ages 7-10 and ages 11-14. Preregistration is required and limited to 10 guests.
Only the registered participant and one parent for ages 3-6 group only may attend the program. Registration for each program will close once the program is full or the day before the program. Those who are not registered in advance will not be permitted to attend. Programs will start promptly at designated times. Pay at the time of program. Cash or check made payable to MCCD only. Face coverings must be worn by all attendees at all times as required by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. Building and gift shop are not open to public.
Call the center at 570-629-3061 to register.
For program schedule and more information, visit www.mcconservation.org.
Peace Feast Day
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church will celebrate its Feast Day on July 12.
Those with Special Intentions are asked to email them to Kim at hoffman@qopchurch.org or before July 8.
Pizza deadline
McMichaels UMC’s pizza sale ordering time is up on July 9. Call Martha at 570-992-6742 to place that order for cheese pizza.
Pickup is at the church from 8:30 a.m. to noon July 18.
Polk supervisors
The first meeting of the month of the Polk Township Board of Supervisors is set for 8 a.m. July 9 at the township municipal building in Kresgeville.
It is a general meeting, so plans are not on the agenda.
Insect program
Monroe County Conservation District’s Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center is offering an interesting insects program on July 11 from 10 a.m. to noon or 1 to 3 p.m., sharing the incredible insects that live at Kettle Creek.
Participants can discover the different aquatic insects that live in the pond, learn all about the invasive spotted lanternfly while making a cool craft, and venture out on an insect safari.
All listed activities will be covered during each time slot. This program is geared for children under 14 and there is a cost per child. Families are encouraged to attend.
Due to program limitations, registration is required by calling 570-629-3061 by July 9. Participants must choose 10 a.m. to noon or the 1 to 3 p.m. upon registration.
Payment is due the day of the program. Cash or check made payable to MCCD only. Face coverings must be worn by all attendees at all times as required by CDC guidelines. Building and gift shop not open to public.
Call the center at 570-629-3061 to register. For program schedule and more information, visit www.mcconservation.org.
Preschool registration
The Effort UMC preschool is now accepting registrations for the 2020-221 school year. Anyone needing more information should call Gail Regina, Preschool Director, at 570-629-1890, ext. 201.
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.