West End news for June 24, 2020
Legion open
West End American Legion is now open daily from 1 to 11 p.m., with patrons needing to follow various guidelines including: Pennsylvania Green Phase guidelines, American Legion National guidelines and each patron entering through the main foyer door and having their temperature taken prior to signing in.
The Post will be limiting admittance to only 40 members at a time.
Post Commander Danny Insalata states that masks covering mouth/nose will be worn at all times unless one is seated to eat/drink.
Eldred reopening
The Eldred Township Municipal Building was slated for reopening with restrictions this past Monday.
Certain rules were put in place, including: one person in the building at a time, visitors will only then be permitted in the lobby, no unauthorized people will be permitted past the security doors, and masks are required - no exceptions.
As the township moves into new phases of the declaration of emergency, the township will be modifying these restrictions as possible.
Eldred is following recommendation from Gov. Tom Wolf, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Pennsylvania Department of Health.
The township greatly appreciates everyone’s cooperation.
Library open
The Western Pocono Community Library has been open since Monday for browsing appointments and computer use appointments.
Call the library at 570-992-7934 for details.
Religious freedom
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church has been celebrating Religious Freedom Week since Monday. The focus is on praying, reflecting and taking action on religious liberty, both here and abroad.
Since then, the Feast of SS. Thomas More and John Fisher, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have been celebrating Religious Freedom Week, inviting parishioners and friends to join in promoting religious freedom for the good of all.
PVSD board
The Board of Education for the Pleasant Valley School District is scheduled to meet at 7 p.m. Thursday in the district office in Brodheadsville.
Regional meeting
The Chestnuthill-Jackson-Eldred-Ross-Polk Regional Comprehensive group is slated to meet at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Chestnuthill municipal complex on Route 715.
Scavenger hunt
Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center has announced a family scavenger hunt program for 10 a.m. Saturday.
Each participating team will receive a scavenger hunt sheet and have one hour to find as many things on the list as possible. Photo proof will be needed to check on the results.
At the end of the hunt any team that finds everything on the list wins a prize. There is a cost per team; pay at the time of program. Cash or check made payable to MCCD only.
Registration is required by Friday. All team members should wear a mask when checking in and working around center staff and other participants. Building and gift shop not open to public.
Call the center at 570-629-3061 to register.
For program schedule and more information, visit www.mcconservation.org.
Zoom service
Effort UMC anticipates having its Sunday worship service via Zoom this Sunday. The guest preacher will be Mark Wells.
Outdoor service
McMichaels UMC will continue with its outdoor service at 9:30 a.m. in the parking lot unless it rains. Worshippers may bring lawn chairs or remain in the car. Everyone must wear a mask and keep proper social distancing if getting out of the car.
PVAG service
Pleasant Valley Assembly of God Church, Brodheadsville, is having a drive-in service.
Worshippers can bring lawn chairs and sit by their cars.
Social distancing will be practiced.
Parking begins at 9 a.m.
Participants are asked to enter the property via the Weir Lake Road entrance.
Worshippers should stop at the host tent to get instructions concerning the FM radio station to use.
Grove service site
St. Matthew’s UCC, Kunkletown, will continue with its Sunday worship service taking place in the grove at 9 a.m.
Distancing will be practiced, as will being masked if leaving a vehicle.
Drive-in begins
Zion Lutheran, Brodheadsville, will begin its drive-in worship services this Sunday, beginning at 9 a.m.
Participants must call the church at 570-992-6988 or email zionulc.ptd.net to reserve a parking spot and arrive 15 minutes early for the service, entering the back parking lot to receive a bulletin and the parking location.
Offerings can be placed in the usher’s bucket as one enters.
Once parked, vehicles must be turned off.
Attendees must stay in the car and masks are to be worn if the windows are open.
Communion distribution will be bread only and will be brought to the vehicles.
Parking attendants or ushers will direct leaving the lot at the end of the service.
In the event of rain, check Zion’s Facebook page or call the office for cancellation information.
Takeout supper
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church, Gilbert, has a takeout supper on the calendar for this Sunday at 3 p.m. Those needing the supper are asked to stay in their car and the supper will be brought out to the occupants.
Soccer registration
West End Soccer is currently accepting registrations for the 2020 season. No registration will be accepted after July 1.
Register on the WES website, wesl.us.
Services resume
Salem UCC in Gilbert has announced that services will resume there at 10 a.m. July 12. A new supply pastor will be welcomed and Communion will be celebrated.
Each person must bring their own elements, whether it be bread and wine, cookies and juice, or something similar of one’s choosing.
Masks must be worn. Social distancing will be enforced and Bibles and hymnals will not be in the pews.
There will be no social gathering after the service.
Donations can be placed in the collection plate in an envelope when church resumes or mailed directly to the church at 117 Corner Road, Gilbert, PA 18331.
They will be acknowledged by an official donation letter, usable for tax purposes.
Scholarship winner
Knights of Columbus, Msgr. C.A. McHugh Council 7141 and Knights of Columbus, John T. Butler Assembly #980, have each selected Matt Kreciewski as the recipient of their $1,000 scholarships.
Pizza sale
McMichaels UMC is holding a pizza sale, cheese pizza only. Orders are due by July 9 by calling Martha at 570-992-6742.
Pickup is at the church from 8:30 a.m. to noon July 18.
More clients
PVEN reports that families being served with food in May grew from 274 last year to 289 this year and that summer lunch, using the drive-thru model, has each child receiving four meals three times a week.
Those wanting to volunteer can contact Colleen Walsh, operations manager, at summerlunch@pven.net.
Current needs for the clothing department include new socks, black and white; new underwear-boxer briefs for boys and young men; new school supplies, but no pencils as the supply on hand is adequate; new school sneakers, black and white; and feminine hygiene products.
Photo contest
Eldred township is holding a photo contest. Pictures of all types must be taken within the township and submitted to the township office by Sept. 14.
For additional information, contact the township secretary at a.velopolcek@eldredtwp.org or 610-381-4252, ext. 2.
Prizes will be awarded.
Curbside breakfast
McMichaels UMC will hold its donation-only-breakfast, curbside, from 8 to 10 p.m. July 11. It is a full breakfast. Then from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. there will be a bake sale, offering a variety of baked goods, all individually wrapped.
Masks are to be worn. Sandwiches and drinks will be available for purchase also.
Combined event
St. Matthew’s UCC has announced that due to COVID-19, the church’s strawberry festival and car show have been combined with the Kunkletown Picnic on July 18.
The car show begins at noon.
Entertainment includes the Cramer Brothers Band at noon to 3 p.m. and the Brian Dean Moore Band from 4 to 6 p.m.
A variety of foods will be available for purchase besides the ice cream, fresh strawberries and shortcake.
Rummage sale
In light of the annual flea market hosted by Our Lady Queen of Peace Church being canceled due to COVID-19, the church is holding a big outdoor rummage sale of furniture and household items from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 4 and 5.
Photo contest
Monroe County Conservation District Environmental Education Center has announced it is sponsoring its third Annual Amateur Photo Contest.
Folks are invited to send in photos that showcase Monroe County’s finest Natural Resources. Submissions may earn a spot in both the art gallery and a 2021 MCCD calendar.
Submissions are due Sept. 25.
For official rules and to submit a photo, visit www.mcconservation.org/mccd-photo-contest.
For more information, call the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center at 570-629-3061.
For more information on other programs offered visit the website at www.mcconservation.org
Contact Adele Argot at 717-933-4028 or arargot3@verizon.net. Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.