Published June 06. 2020 06:31AM
The Parish of Sacred Heart is pleased to announce that we have begun to return to the public celebration of Mass following the directives from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Governor’s Office and the Diocese of Allentown.
These directives limit attendance in our church to 80 parishioners while we are in the “yellow” phase. Daily Mass is being offered at noon and the church remains open each weekday until 3 p.m. for private prayer.
This weekend we will have only one public Mass at 9:30 a.m. which will also be livestreamed on the Sacred Heart Facebook page. While we remain in the “yellow” category, attendance at Mass is not an obligation but you do have a “welcome back” invitation. Confessions will continue to be heard by Father Campion by appointment only. To arrange a time, please call the Rectory Office at: 610-826-2335.
During the next two weeks several maintenance items are being addressed: replacement of several blocks in the sidewalk which includes street level entrance for the handicapped by lowering the curb nearest the Lafayette Street entrance, removal of two trees and the replacement of four rectory windows. All of these projects were arranged prior to the pandemic and so we are moving forward.
This Sunday we will observe Trinity Sunday when we celebrate our Heavenly Father who created us, Jesus, the Son of the Father, who redeemed us and the Holy Spirit of God who continues to lead and guide us.
Father Campion continues to encourage everyone to pray for the special intercession of Father Walter Ciszek (whose cause for sainthood is being reviewed in Rome and who is need of two miracles to move the cause forward).
Our prayer, through Father Ciszek, is that God will grant us the miracle of a cure for COVID-19 and restore the health (spiritually, physically, emotionally and financially) to our global family.