Census concerns aired at Lansford council
Lansford residents and council expressed concern for the lack of census takers at Lansford’s monthly meeting Wednesday night.
One resident commented that it was reported only around 39% of Lansford reported themselves in the census and reminded the board that, due to the lack of participation in the census, Lansford has lost over $100,000 a year for 10 years.
Former president of Lansford Borough Council Rose Mary Cannon said that a lot of people in town don’t know how vital the census is and encouraged the board to get the word out to encourage the public to fill it out.
Council President Bruce Markovich agreed with the comments made by the residents. He and council member William Chuma discussed how they could get the word out. They are considering putting an ad on the radio, as well as post on Lansford Facebook pages, and they may also place a public service announcement in the newspaper outlining what the census does.
Mayor Michele Bartek said she was concerned that the town would lose out on money they would receive if everyone filled out the census.
“(The census) is not to find illegals, or anything like that,” Bartek clarified. “It would just get the town money.”
Other business
• Lansford’s housing inspection fees hadn’t been updated for years and stood at $20. Due to inflation, council voted and agreed to raise the inspection fee to $60 per room.
• Bartek requested that Lansford pay for a two-day tactical training in Ohio for Lansford police officer Jarrod Bulger. The two-day training would teach Bulger skills needed to fight in enclosed spaces without a partner.
Bartek said the training would benefit Lansford by better training their officers to deal with dangerous situations without a partner. She said a lot of Lansford officers have moments where they work alone or are waiting for backup.
Markovich said he wouldn’t mind agreeing to pay for the training as he sees the benefit, but asked that next time she would have the request in writing beforehand.
Bartek said she would normally put in a written request, but Bulger already paid for the course and was planning on attending the workshop, driving to Ohio, and paying for his hotel with his own money if the board didn’t accept.
Bartek requested reimbursement on Bulger’s behalf and the board voted to reimburse the officer once he returns with his receipts. They will reimburse him within the guidelines of their contract, which the board thinks will be mileage, the cost of training and possibly hotel.
Cannon thanked the officers for their hard work and diligence during the shooting at the beginning of the month. Markovich said he was glad it turned out OK.
• Council member Martin Ditsky said he wanted Lansford and Coaldale to meet regarding the water authority and said he has no intentions of terminating it. Council voted to invite Coaldale to meet.
• Lansford council members were discussing which organization was to take care of the gazebo, whether it was the old Improvement Committee or if it’s the currently standing Lansford Alive. Bartek said that no matter what, it needed to be fixed. She reminded the board that they voted twice to get bids and never accepted any. Council voted to put an ad out one more time for bids and agreed to accept a final bid this time.
Markovich said the bids need to have specifications from anyone who puts in a bid. Council is willing to look at a metal or shingle roof, as long as it will last a minimum of 30 years.
Kevin Zuercher, owner of Half-Time Bar & Grill in Lansford, has a background in construction and noted that the current bids are higher than they should be. Bartek encouraged him to put a bid in this time around if he can put a roof on the gazebo cheaper.
Zuercher requested specifications and said he would take a look at it.