Carbon dedicates parking space for veterans
Carbon County veterans who utilize the services in the Veterans Affairs office in Jim Thorpe now have a new free parking spot to call their own when they come to do business in that office.
On Thursday, Christine LeClair, director of Veterans Affairs, and the Carbon County Commissioners dedicated a new spot that will provide veterans with an easy access route to the county administration office’s front door.
“The vast majority of veterans who come to the Veterans Affairs office are service-connected, which means that they have a disability,” LeClair said. “Veterans would come to the office for their appointments and it would take some a very long time to catch their breath because of the great distance they had to walk from the county lot.”
Because of this, LeClair approached the board and asked if they could help.
The commissioners, in conjunction with Jim Thorpe borough officials, completed an assessment of where the best place for a parking spot that could be designated to help veterans coming to do business in the office. The borough was willing to provide a spot around Hazard Square, but the assessment determined the first parking spot right outside the county parking lot would provide for the safest walking route to the administration building, while also accommodating handicap parking and handicap van accessibility.
The county maintenance department prepared the spot, removing the existing meter, painting lines and posting a new “Veterans Affairs parking only” sign.
“We needed to continue to show our support for our veterans and what they have done for us,” said Commissioner Chris Lukasevich, who is also a veteran.
“There’s probably a no better fitting time to do an act like this than this particular month,” he added, noting that Saturday is Armed Forces Day and May is National Military Appreciation Month.
Commissioners’ Chairman Wayne Nothstein also urged residents to fly their American flag this weekend to honor all those in the military.