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We want to tell your story

As we go through a few more weeks of the shutdown because of coronavirus, we want to tell your stories.

Tell us your frustrations, challenges and successes.

• Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with COVID-19? We’d like to tell people about your ordeal, and the aftermath.

• You didn’t sign up for home schooling. How is it going for you and your children?

• How are you coping during the shutdown? Are you finally getting to the “honey-do” list? Are you working on your hobbies? Learning new skills?

• How has the shutdown affected you in a positive way? Have you spent quality time with your family, started new traditions? Have you returned to your roots and tried new recipes and learned to bake bread?

• Are you going to start or boost your vegetable garden this year so that you have your own fresh produce available? What are you planting?

• Have you postponed a major event this year such as a wedding or anniversary party? Will you reschedule?

• How has someone helped you? Whether it’s a random act of kindness or neighbors helping neighbors, we know you have stories to tell.

Tell us about your experiences at tneditor@tnonline.com.