Published May 02. 2020 06:53AM
The Carbon County Commissioners, on Thursday, acted on the following items:
• Approved a contract with Bruce George Paving and Excavating Inc. of Kunkletown in the amount of $177,852.44 for drainage improvements phase I, Red Hill Road in Franklin Township. This is a Community Development Block Grant project. Bids were opened on April 9.
• Approved a proposal with Radio Maintenance Inc. of Reading for the purchase of a Fire F2 Receiver and Voting Chassis for the Kidder Township area in the amount of $24,319.85. Act 12 funds will cover the cost of the purchase. The receiver and voting chassis is used to transmit radio signals to handheld radios used by emergency services.
• Ratified a budget modification request to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development for the 2018 Emergency Solutions Grant. The modification moves $12,843 from Rapid Rehousing to $4,782 into Homelessness Prevention and $8,061 into the Emergency Shelter component.
• Approved an agreement with Quincy Technology Solutions Inc. of New Haven, Connecticut, for unlimited licensed software and maintenance for the coroner’s office from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31. The total cost for the service is $4,938 and is funded through the vital statistics fund.
• Adopted a proclamation naming May 11-16 as National Prevention Week in Carbon County.