Weatherly Borough Council votes to remove footbridge
Weatherly Borough Council, at their April meeting, was reluctantly unanimous on a vote to seek a contract to have the over 100-year-old footbridge over the Black Creek removed. The chosen contractor will take the old bridge off its footers and haul it away.
The meeting was held at noon in council chambers, with social distancing, and with three council members phoning in. Members were unanimous in allowing council meetings using “telecommunications devices.”
Council started by unanimously approving a resolution extending the state of emergency due to the coronavirus until Mayor P.J. Hadzick declares it lifted.
The inventory of the borough streets and alleys was approved after being published. This is an important step so the roads are on the state’s liquid fuels list so they qualify for state roads money. A few roads and alleys had been missing.
The never-paved extension of Fell Street between the D’Andrea and Dannehower properties was vacated on a vote of 6 in favor with council member Theresa D’Andrea abstaining.
Council again tabled a decision about lowering electric rates for the Weatherly Foundry because there are still details to be worked out.
Manager Harold Pudliner reported that garbage hauler County Waste is not picking up bulk items during the COVID-19 crisis, and he asks people to not put any bulk items out until the crisis ends.
Pothole repairs are limited during the emergency to fixing the really bad ones. Street sweeping is on hold until the emergency is over.
The borough building now has a dropbox for bill payments beside the main entrance door. Construction of the new borough building is on hold until the governor allows construction to resume statewide.
Bills of $56,890 were approved, as was the treasurer’s report.
There was no public present, so no public comments. The next regular Weatherly council meeting is May 18 in a format to be determined.