Lehighton news for April 23, 2020
Bethany Evangelical Congregational Church, 222 North St., Lehighton, PA 18235. Sunday Worship Service will be streamed live at 10:45 a.m. The broadcast can be accessed on Facebook by searching for and liking @ BethanyECLehighton.
Follow BECC on Facebook and join in for a Bible study each Wednesday at 10 a.m. or 7 p.m.
Any changes to the schedule and announcements will be posted on Facebook www.facebook.com/BethanyECLehighton Churchoffice.
Lehighton Bethany EC is online at www.bethanylehighton.com. Email: pastortim@bethanylehighton.com. Church office: 610-377-0724 or follow Bethany at www.facebook.com/BethanyECLehighton.
Trinity Lutheran Church
Trinity Lutheran Church, 175 S. Third St., Lehighton, announces all worship services, activities and meetings are canceled until further notice. The governor’s announcement of reopening businesses for May 8 does not include Trinity. The church building is locked down. You are encouraged to call the church office for those needing assistance with a pastoral need at 610-377-4303. The secretary will retrieve messages and deliver to the proper person.
Worship services, devotions and children’s stories are recorded by the Rev. Nancy Moore and Vicar Joshua Krenz. The links are posted on the website www.tlclehighton.com, and on Facebook address https://www.facebook.com/TrinityLehighton.
The Food Pantry remains open during Tuesday hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., and the third Tuesday 5:30-7 p.m., as a drive-up setting. Participants must remain in their vehicle at time of pick up.
As a faith community, we will continue praying for all essential workers on the front lines and that this pandemic be lifted from us and our world.
God is at work! God is everywhere and has not abandoned us. We will be together again soon, if we all do our part and stay at home.
Contact the Times News at 800-443-0377 or tneditor@tnonline.com.