Area businesses say thank you to our community heroes
First and foremost, on behalf of the Carbon Chamber and Economic Development Corporation and the business community, thank you to our doctors, nurses, CNAs, EMTs, police officers and all who are on the front line, fighting this pandemic, day in and day out.
You are true heroes and we are incredibly grateful for all that you do, all that you risk, to take care of our families, friends and neighbors.
To the incredible people who are helping to support the efforts of our health care workers, we salute you!
This week, we’d like to highlight two incredible community leaders:
First, thank you to President and CEO David Tusa of Sharps Compliance Inc.
David and his team have shipped over 12,000 pieces of PPE items including N95 masks, protective gowns, gloves and hand sanitizer to Carbon County from Houston, Texas.
Dave’s philosophy of “people before profit,” during uncertain times will protect so many to protect others. Special thanks to David and his incredible team for being an amazing Community Partner. We are so grateful.
Next, hats off to Girvin Janicki, Walmart store manager in Mahoning Township. Girvin has been supporting our local police departments and EMTs by donating products like disinfectant wipes, hand sanitizer, coffee, snacks and drinks. In addition, Walmart will be donating much-needed funds to support local businesses in the form of a grant.
Our office connects with David and Girvin on a weekly basis - checking in, donating products and protecting our communities. Two community heroes who care. Thank you!
There are a number of heroes out there, and we thank you all. Please share your community heroes with us … this is just a small example of how we are pulling together to get through this unpredictable time, but guess what, we are doing it together!
Please say a special “thanks” from your heart to David and Girvin - we are incredibly grateful for their leadership and support.
Please reach feel free to contact the CCEDC Team - we are here to help and support you every step of the way!
Stay safe, stay strong, stay away (we will be together again soon).
Marlyn Kissner oversees the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber’s Northern Region and serves as the Executive Director of the Carbon Chamber and Economic Development Corporation.