Published March 31. 2020 02:45PM
Eagle Scout candidate Timothy Loftus of Troop 555 wants to build a “gaga ball” court in the Penn Forest Township’s Park as his Eagle Scout project. He proposed this idea to the Penn Forest Township supervisors at their March 2 meeting.
The 25-foot diameter wood-framed “pit” has eight corners, connected by 10-foot walls - all 30 inches tall. The court will have a disability-friendly door for access. A sign with the rules will be posted near the entrance.
He explained how the game works - a soft rubber inflated ball is slapped or pushed at the legs of opponents in the pit. If the ball hits legs, that opponent is out. The winner is the last person remaining.
Supervisors suggested a soft cover for the top of the walls, and discussed whether the floor should be grass, carpet or something else. Where to place it was discussed, as was needing to make a call to the insurance carrier.
Supervisors, engaged by Loftus’ enthusiasm, gave him unanimous support and approved his project.
Eagle Scout candidate Timothy Loftus discusses his plans to build a gaga ball pit with the Penn Forest Township supervisors. SETH ISENBERG/SPECIAL TO THE TIMES NEWS