Published March 19. 2020 07:55PM
Schuylkill County’s President Judge William E. Baldwin issued two administrative orders Thursday, closing the county’s magisterial district justice offices and courthouse to the general public effective at 4:30 p.m. Thursday and until April 3, unless extended.
“The court will continue to function to the greatest extent possible,” Baldwin said. “The public is excluded, with exceptions.”
The county’s criminal term of trials, scheduled to begin April 6, has been cancelled. That means that anyone called for jury duty March 31, April 2 and April 3 should not report.
Essential court functions, such as emergency bail review, juvenile delinquency detentions, temporary and final protection from abuse hearings, emergency petitions for child custody and posting of bail for incarcerated persons will be held. When at all possible, the court will use telecommunications for hearings.
Anyone who seeks to pay a bill should do so by mail, using a check, or by credit card. Cash payments for services at the Treasurer’s Office may be accepted at the public entrance area by special arrangement. The Schuylkill County Sheriff’s officers have been instructed to question people entering the courthouse and turn them away if necessary.