Published February 26. 2020 12:12PM
Carbon Career and Technical Institute will send 48 students to the SkillsUSA state competition in April.
The school’s joint operating committee approved a budget totaling almost $20,000 to cover registration, transportation and lodging for the students and five chaperones.
SkillsUSA’s annual conference in Hershey brings together career and technical students across Pennsylvania to compete in their varied specialties, from advertising and design to carpentry.
The competition begins locally but extends to the national level.
Three graphic design students from CCTI took the gold in SkillsUSA’s national contest last year, held in Louisville, Kentucky.
In other business
The joint operating committee approved the purchased of 20 HP ProOne 600 G5 computers at a cost of $19,986.60.
The computers were already budgeted in CCTI’s Capital/Instructional Equipment Plan.