Pocono Garden Club to meet on Feb. 11
Enjoy a cup of a tea, British-style, as a local English cottage garden expert speaks at the Pocono Garden Club’s annual business meeting and covered dish luncheon at noon on Tuesday in the Monroe County Conservation District, 8050 Running Valley Road, Bartonsville.
Pam Hubbard will present “The Story of My Garden from Conception to Recognition in a National Magazine.” Hubbard is a blogger, author, photographer and gardener and owner-operator of Pam’s English Cottage Garden in Effort.
February’s design category is titled “A Proper Posey.” Create a basic “roundy moundy” design in floral Oasis to decorate a tabletop. Use fresh or silk flowers in your choice of colors in a container of your choice. An accessory would be “proper.”
The horticulture specimen for February would be a broadleaf or needle stem (boxwood, laurel, pine, spruce) not to exceed 16 inche in a clear glass container.
Entries should be brought in 30 minutes before the meeting begins.
The business meeting will include distribution of the 2020 directory, which lists club information such as officers, committees, a membership list, meetings, programs and trips planned for the coming year, and details about the annual flower show, set for July 11 at Northampton Community College. It also includes a pictorial look back at last year’s activities.
Members should bring a covered dish or dessert, and their own place settings including a tea cup to the February meeting. Anyone interested in gardening is welcome.
For more information, email President Nell Cadue at nellcadue@gmail.com or Vice President Christine Khouri granbob@ptd.net. You also may visit the Pocono Garden Club on Facebook.
The club, in December, celebrated its 2019 accomplishments at the annual holiday luncheon and swore in new officers: President Nell Cadue, Vice President Christine Khouri, Treasurer Joan Lippi and Recording Secretary Patty Fretz They also recognized outgoing officers President Joan Gregorio, Vice President Sandy Goddeyne, Treasurer Sharon Carey and Recording Secretaries Cadue and Fretz.