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What Democrats have to offer

Last month I highlighted some of President Trump’s many accomplishments. This month I am highlighting what the 2020 Democrat presidential candidates have to offer us in 2020. Quite a stunning contrast.

• Free health care for illegals.

• Gun confiscation.

• Reparations.

• Open borders including tearing down the existing wall.

• Sanders’ de-funding ICE.

• Increasing the number of refugees the U.S. is willing to accept each year.

• Warren’s Medicare for All, costing $52 trillion over 10 years.

• Eliminating private health care insurance for 159 million Americans.

• Supporting sanctuary cities.

• Free college for everyone.

• Free income.

• Supporting third trimester and post-birth abortions.

• Supporting the Green New Deal (eliminating fossil fuels). Per the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the cost to the average American family in Pennsylvania would be $70,000 for the first year the plan was implemented, $45,000 for the next four years and $37,000 for each year after that.

• An expanded Social Security plan paid for by increasing payroll and investment taxes.

• Warren’s K-12 education plan costing $800 billion over 10 years paid for by a wealth tax (apparently, she is unaware of the fact that when you tax the rich, aka business owners, they leave, taking our jobs with them).

• Increasing foreign aid to Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

My takeaway: Goodbye massive middle class tax cuts implemented by President Trump. Hello massive middle class tax hikes implemented by the Democrat Party.

Wanda Dietz

Franklin Township