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Palmerton Area school board

Palmerton Area School District’s board of directors approved the following actions Tuesday night:

• A change order to Myco Mechanical in the amount of $7,267.30 to furnish and install the addition of circuit setters on plumbing piping, and furnish and install a gas line from the tee in the main to an RTU connection.

• A change order to Myco Mechanical in the amount of $7,012.83 to furnish and install an electronic monitor system on the fire pump and fire tank assembly.

• Authorized Keystone Consulting Engineers to design specifications and bid the 10,000-gallon heating oil tank at Towamensing Elementary School.

• Authorized Keystone Consulting Engineers to design the high school window replacement project.

• Authorized Keystone Consulting Engineers to design the S.S. Palmer security project and interior renovations.

• Accepted the first reading of Policy 709.1, Use of Metal Detectors at School Facilities.

• Denied a 40-day sick day extension for employee #416.

• Removed Katie Michael from the substitute list.

• Approved Mary Herrmann as an instructional assistant at the rate of $15.35 per hour.

• Approved Frank Cross as a part-time custodian at the rate of $13.82 per hour.

• Approved Brandylee Veanus as a substitute instructional aide and substitute secretary.

• Approved Miriam Cuddy as a K-6 substitute teacher.

• Approved Earl Kocher as a substitute custodian.

• Accepted the transfer of Kelly Heinrich from her instructional assistant position to the secretary position for high school guidance and athletics at the salary of $37,295.

• Accepted the resignation of Melanie Dickson from her position as a cafeteria worker.

• Approved the resignation of Thomas McLaughlin as interim superintendent effective Oct. 21.

• Approved the change of Krystle Meglio from Towamensing yearbook adviser to co-adviser with Tricia Green as the other co-adviser.

• Approved the resignation of Michael Lengle, high school science teacher.

• Approved the one-year agreement with Around the Clock Nursing Inc. for nursing services as needed by the district.

• Authorized the business manager to retroactively sign the agreement with WGL Energy/Provident Energy for a 24-month term (July 2021-June 2023) for electricity at $0.03192/kWh. The district is part of a cooperative purchasing group and this price results in a $0.0014/kWh reduction from the current pricing.