Mother Nature’s fury
To the editor:
Just like the song, “Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head,” the heavy rainfall came with driving force during 2018. It looks like the current year is going out with those relentless, annoying rains every few days. The area is saturated again with too many rainy days. You don’t have to be an astrologer to know our weather pattern is changing drastically. We never experienced a great amount of rainfall as we’ve been drenched with the past two years.
My daily walks for exercise and fresh air have been limited due to raindrops on my head. Come on, Mother Nature. Give us a break! We can survive nicely without all this saturation. What’s going on with all these destructive hurricanes and tornadoes? Not to mention the horrendous flooding. Puerto Rico was destroyed with a ravaging storm to end all storms. Thousands of homes were swept away by the ultrapowerful force of deadly winds.
Then the tropical island paradise of the Bahamas became Mother Nature’s carbon copy of Puerto Rico. Both islands are disaster zones. More homeless people than Apple has computers. So much tragedy on both islands, it’ll take umpteen years to rebuild isles that once had extreme beauty. The flooding throughout our country has been heartbreaking. Thousands of folks lost their homes just like the isle; and catastrophes. Mother Nature has been on a constant rampage of violence. When we see “Ole Sol” cast its glorious sunshine, we’re feeling more alive with rays of warmth rejuvenating our aging bodies.
I imagine the farmers are content, their crops are done growing until next spring. Too heavy of rainfall could destroy their fruits and vegetables. If only we could place a straitjacket on Mother Nature to prevent her from further destruction. What wishful thinking — could never become a reality. Evidently rainfall is better than a serious drought drying up our mountains. Maybe Mother Nature isn’t so evil after all. Give her credit for keeping our beautiful state from terrible forest fires.
God bless America.
Earle E. Stahler,
West Penn Township