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It’s the Reader’s Turn at Pleasant Valley High School

While attending a dress rehearsal of “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” I asked some members of the cast and crew, “What is your dream job?”

Emily Gethen, senior,“I want to be an humanitarian aid worker and join the Peace Corps.”
Giovanni Marini, senior,“An actor. It’s a world that fills me with the utmost amount of happiness, and I can’t see myself anywhere else.”
Aleelah Thompson, junior,“It would be something in politics or law. I can speak really articulately and I feel like I’m really good at debating.”
Zach Smith, senior,“Work in hospitality administration in hotels or cruise ships. That way I can do a lot of traveling in my life.”
Jose Trinidad, sophomore,“It’s to be a Broadway performer. It’s cool to see the audience when you see them realize what they just saw.”
Miranda Chiong, junior,“To be a geneticist. To learn new things and be able to help people.”