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Democracy in peril

Oh yes, thank you, Mr. President,

For increasing our national debt to an all-time high of $22 trillion due to your lowering of the tax rates for millionaires and corporations.

For the 13,435 false or misleading claims told to the American people in 993 days.

For the foreign policy mess you have put in place.

For turning our backs on the Kurds. Who helped us contain ISIS.

For the disrespect and scorn that is shown to us by our NATO allies.

For the 85 environmental rules that were dropped and now make our air and water less safe.

For removing us from the Paris Climate Accord at a time when we should be leading the world in trying to save our planet.

For putting our farmers in danger of losing their farms because of your tariffs.

For separating families and putting children in cages.

For causing hate crimes to rise because of your hateful rhetoric.

For trampling on our Constitution which you swore to uphold.

For asking a foreign government to get dirt on a political opponent and putting our country’s defense in jeopardy.

Yes, thank you for all you have done to divide our country and put our democracy in peril.

Patricia Hawk

Franklin Township