Published November 14. 2019 12:16PM
Thank you, Mr. President, for the following accomplishments:
All-time high S&P and consumer confidence, 6 million new jobs, rebuilding our military, biggest tax cuts and reforms in American history, death of ISIS leader al-Baghdadi without loss of American life, negotiating free, fair and reciprocal trade deals with Japan, South Korea, Europe and China, VA Accountability Act, nominating Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, record low unemployment rates for African-Americans, Hispanics and Asian-Americans, women’s unemployment rate lowest in 65 years, unemployment claims at a 50-year low, 3.9 million Americans off food stamps, energy independence.
Median middle-class household income at an all-time high: 8 years of Bush up $400, 8 years of Obama up $975, 2.5 years of Trump up $5,000, plus $1,400 for taxes. Replacing NAFTA with the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, First Step Act criminal justice reform, creating opportunity zones, securing $6 billion for fighting the opioid crisis, Securing $3.6 billion for construction of 175 miles of border wall, withdrawing from the Iran Deal, Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
Lastly Mr. President, NO, we are not tired of winning yet.
Not even a little bit.
Wanda Dietz
Franklin Township