Franklin Township supervisors
Franklin Township supervisors took the following action on Tuesday:
• Authorized the solicitor to proceed with the next step in obtaining easements from three property owners regarding the Red Hill Road Culvert Project.
• Advertised a peddler’s ordinance establishing policies and procedures for any individual seeking to conduct business within the township via door-to-door solicitation.
• Approved several waiver requests from the Cora Ann Carpenter/Leggett MJ LLC boundary line adjustment plans from the township’s Subdivision and Land Development ordinance as follows: To the requirement for 5-foot contours and the datum to which the contour elevation refer. Since there is no proposed development of construction proposed as part of this plan, the purpose of the plan is to consolidate Cora Ann’s holdings while creating a new lot (Lot 1) for an existing dwelling and annexing another parcel (Lot 3) to the adjacent property of Michael Leggert; to the requirement of providing PNDI search for the property; and to the requirement of identifying Pennsylvania Historic Museum Commission archaeologically sensitive sites and historic sites.
• Approved the final boundary line adjustment for Cora Ann Carpenter & Leggett MJ LLC.
• Approved the final lot line adjustment plan for Marion L. Jr. & Sandra G. Walker.
• Approved the appointment of attorney Joseph Sileo to be the arbitrator for the board of supervisors regarding the police contract retroactive from Oct. 4.
• Approved, on a 2-0 vote with one abstention, the appointment of attorney Joseph Sileo to handle legal matters regarding other police matters. Supervisor Barbara Beltz abstained due to what she said was a conflict of interest.
• Announced that Electronic Recycling Day will be held from 9 a.m. to noon on Oct. 26. When the truck is full, they will leave.
• Announced that trick or treat night will be held from 6-8 p.m. Oct. 30.
• Announced a change in garbage collection for the Veterans Day holiday as follows: Monday, Nov. 11 pickup is changed to Tuesday, Nov. 12.
— Terry Ahner